DATE: 25th & 26th August 2016
‘Strengthening Communities Making the Most of the NDIS’ Conference
Ann Harding Conference Centre
Bruce, Canberra
Registrations Open
We are in the midst of one of the biggest social reforms in Australian history. This
change provides hope and opportunity, but will require courage to imagine more and
strive for what is possible.
Imagine More’s third conference, themed “Strengthening Communities- Making
the most of the NDIS”, will offer opportunities to hear from local, national and
international speakers sharing stories and approaches that support meaningful and
inclusive lives for people with disabilities.
You will hear about:
What is possible under the NDIS
Self managing and directly employing under the NDIS
The role of coordinators and support workers
Inclusive education & Higher school education
Circles of support
Safeguarding the future when you are no longer around
Who is it for?
People with a disability, families, allies and friends, community members, Principals,
teachers, teachers aides, Government, support workers, coordinators.
Go to to read our exciting program, speaker’s details
<a href=”” target=”_blank”>View attachment</a>