Consumers of Mental Health WA (Inc) (CoMHWA) has a new peer-led program. ‘Peer2Peer’ is a peer delivered and evaluated hospital to home project, being delivered in collaboration with Mental Illness Fellowship of WA (MIFWA), St John of God Hospital Midland (SJOG), and the WA Primary Health Alliance.
The project is the first community-based, peer led hospital diversion program in Western Australia that incorporates an in-reach approach. It involves peer support for individuals returning home after a stay at SJOG Hospital Midland, including practical supports, building capacity around decision making and GP/community engagement. People are referred to Peer2Peer through SJOG Hospital.
CoMHWA is also in the process of developing training for individuals on supported decision making and how to get the most out of GP appointments.
For further information on Peer2Peer, please contact Aimee at the CoMHWA office on 9258 8911.